Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 18 with Gracie

Gracie is almost 12 weeks old, Thursday is the big day. With each passing day, either she is getting better or we are learning her naughty puppy ways!
She was potty trained within the first day, only two "accidents". She began sleeping through the night on day 4 & now has quite a few "tricks" under her collar. I have taught her to sit (easy one), "Leave It" means STOP chasing the cats! And now I have taught her to lift her paw up to say please for her meals. It is beautiful to see how easily she has picked these tricks up & is still a puppy. Imagine how easily she will learn when she is no longer a running, jumping, hyper furball!!
As I have mentioned before, I am a die-hard cat lover, never been a fan of dogs as they are so much needier than cats.
Owen & I travel a lot for our business & it is so much easier to have someone watch our cats while we re gone than a dog. We have decided to take her with us on our travels once she is not a puppy any longer & she has been through the obedience training.

I am really looking forward to the day that our cats can live alongside Gracie......hopefully that day will come soon. I need some pointers!

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